Cutterbar LITECUT with quick knife replacement system Yes
SAFEGEAR discs protection system Yes
Belts side drive Yes
CE safety protections Yes
Adjustable working height Yes
Key for tools replacement Yes
Slip clutch PTO SHAFT Yes
Safety device against obstacles Yes
LITECUT cutterbar
This particular bar consists of two knives per disc. The quick replacement of the knives is possible thanks to a convenient lever on the back of the bar. The high cutting surface is made possible by the combined action of the 105 mm long knives and the 360° rotating knife holders. The discs are protected by the SAFEGEAR system with cutting key protection.
Safety both on and off the field
The lateral belt drive and the slip clutch PTO shaft together with the obstacle safety device guarantee high safety during cutting operations. The hydraulic locking system and mechanical transport lock make road transport extremely safe.
Swath accessories
In order to obtain well-formed swaths, different types of raised skids and swath discs are available.
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